activity colouring book for stress and anxiety relief

Wellbeing with Flowers

It was a very satisfying experience drawing the flowers in this Wellbeing with Flowers book. It took a month in total, but well worth the time and effort. Some of the images are quite simple with only one flower, others have more detail. I hope you enjoy colouring them in. The book has been created to help bring down stress levels. However, it can function as a purely fun colouring book for all ages, no matter what the reason.

flowers colouring book for stress and dementia

Getting away from it all, even for just an hour or two, can have tremendous benefits to your overall wellbeing. It can lift your mood to relieve any built-up stress or anxieties.

Wellbeing with Flowers contains 100 images of flowers with animals and insects to help you relax and appreciate the beauty of nature. There is even a bicycle, unicorn and Wellington boot, as well as bees, butterflies and an Easter bonnet!

The image pages have blank backs in case there is any bleed due to using ‘wet ink’ type pens. It is suggested to place a thick piece of paper or card between the pages anyway to protect the image on the next page. Pencils are recommended due to the versatility they provide for blending colours.

I hope you really enjoy the experience of using this book.

View it here: Wellbeing Flowers

Please leave a review if you have time, it will help me enormously as a sole designer, illustrator and publisher.

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